
Local live-out care service in London

Find a Carer Near You

Contact us today and we will be in touch shortly with more information about our services. Or, call us on 0207 183 1395.

How do we help our clients find live-out carers in London?

Guardian Carers are passionate about supporting independence at home. This is why we offer a bespoke care service. Through our service, we ensure that each client’s needs and requirements are met with the help of our live-out carers.

During your initial enquiry, you will get to speak to a specialist consultant about all the requirements of the role. Some of the things you will discuss include the duties and responsibilities you expect from the live-out carer, any conditions or illnesses they should have experience with, as well as any other special requirements. Of course, you will also cover the days and hours you will be requiring the live-out carer to work.

After we gather all this information from you, our consultants can start searching for live-out carers local to you in London. You don’t have to worry about background checking the candidates, as your consultant will do all of this for you.

You should know that all our carers have a minimum of 2 years of professional care experience. They are also required to hold a valid Enhanced DBS check, attend a Safeguarding course and have a First Aid Certificate, if necessary.

What can a live-out carer do for you?

  • Assist with personal care
  • Assist with morning and nighttime routine
  • Enable mobility, including moving and handling transfers
  • Manage and prompt medication
  • Liaise with doctors, nurses or GPs
  • Book appointments
  • Cook and prepare meals, snacks and beverages
  • Accompany on outings and events
  • Run errands
  • Assist with daily housekeeping

Who are Guardian Carers?

Guardian Carers is an introductory agency placing carers, companions and housekeepers all over the UK and beyond. With a background of over 15 years in the domestic placement industry, we have established ourselves as one of the top care choices in the country.

We pride ourselves on providing a premium care service to our clients. Our wide range of services can be enlisted on a full-time or part-time basis, either as live-in or live-out placements. Carers can be hired either temporarily or permanently.

Book a consultation

Give us a call. We are ready to help. We believe we can find your perfect carer.