
Benefits of post operative care at home

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Post operative care at home is an alternative to a long hospital stay or a rehabilitation clinic, it allows your loved one to recover in the luxury and comfort of their own home. Research has suggested that returning home, results in faster and smoother recovery. Firstly, Post operative care at home mean that family and friends are able to offer more support and visit more easily as there is no hospital visiting hours restrictions. Secondly, having a post operative carer at home allows you to adjust to independent living slowly and in your own time. A longer stay in hospital can make it more difficult to adjust as you are going from continuous support immediately to unsupported living, especially if there are physical changes to cope with.

Our post operative home care assistance carers provide the necessary security and safety you need to maintain the life you have built in your home. By having a home carer, you and your loved ones can have a peace of mind, knowing you are in safe and able hands should you have a fall or an emergency. Also having an extra abled body around the house, reduced the chances of uninvited visitors.

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