Guardian Carers Feature on Sky News

Interview with our client Jennifer: How home care has improved her life

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Guardian Carers is one of the leading care providers in the UK. We have supported our clients in finding their dream carer - someone who suits all their needs and requirements, someone who exceeds their expectations and someone who can be a great companion.

Our personal approach to recruiting carers, housekeepers and companions is what sets us apart from the rest. What this means is that all our clients are assigned a personal consultant who works closely with them to find the right home carer. Besides looking for the right skills and qualifications, our specialists are also searching for the home carers who are truly in tune with the client’s personality.

Our wonderful client Jennifer, 63, came to us two years ago in search of a home carer who could support her with her daily life. She hired one of our home carers, Maria, a lovely lady full of personality and over 10 years of experience working in the field of care. We asked Jennifer to share her experience with a Guardian Carer and to tell us how home care has improved her life.

Interview with our client Jennifer

Breaking down misconceptions

“I remember the day I first contacted Guardian Carers very well. That day meant for me the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I never thought I would be the person who would end up with a home carer, but life takes you by surprise.”

Almost two years before she got in touch with us, Jennifer became widowed. She revealed that she never imagined she would grow old alone. Her husband’s abrupt passing “left a deep scar in my heart. It took me almost one year before I could stop crying every day. Of course, I had our one daughter and her husband to lean on, but I never want to be a burden for anyone. I realised I had to move on.”

Jennifer realised she needed support at home. “I needed someone to be there for me, but not as my friends or family. I needed someone external. I also noticed that I wasn’t as able to do my usual tasks as I used to, which was not helping my mental state”, she says.

It “improved my spirits, gave me my confidence back and made me feel independent”

“After speaking to my daughter, Alicia, I managed to break down my misconceptions about care and accept the fact that I needed support. I used to think that getting home care means that you are old and unable to care for yourself but I have learnt that it’s the other way around for me. It massively improved my spirits, gave me my confidence back and made me feel as independent as I was before my husband’s passing”, confesses Jennifer.

“Maria was a great addition to my home. I am eternally grateful to Emilio, my personal consultant, who found this lovely lady and brought her into my life. I remember the first time I called Guardian Carers and this kind and cheerful voice answered the phone. It was Emilio. He listened to my story and helped me understand what I truly need”, says Jennifer.

As this was her first time requiring care, Jennifer explained that she was a bit lost when trying to figure out what type of home care would suit her best. “Emilio was very understanding. He asked me what my situation was, whether I had any medical problems and what tasks I needed support with. He was very keen on finding out what my interests and hobbies were, which I think made an enormous impact on choosing Maria.”

Maria has now been with our client Jennifer for almost two years. “Maria and I are such a great fit for each other. We have the same musical taste, we both love keeping up with the news and going on long walks in Kensington Park.”

A home carer and a friend

Jennifer told us that she found a friend in Maria. At the same time, she performs her home care duties with “utmost professionalism”, as Jennifer says. “Maria visits me four or five times per week, depending on how much I need her. She would sometimes help me pick my outfits and get the bed made in the meantime. Then she always prepares a delicious breakfast and a cafe latte. We sometimes have breakfast together and read the paper which she never forgets to bring me.”

On a typical day, Maria helps Jennifer with her day to day tasks around the home and takes care of any administrative tasks that she has. “As I am still working as a writer and columnist, Maria would often assist me with answering the phone, sorting my mail or answering emails, which saves me so much precious time”, says Jennifer.

Since having Maria, Jennifer has been able to focus more on herself and her work, as her home carer lifted the burden of the mundane tasks around the house. “Maria does anything that I ask her to. She would do some light dusting or hoovering, if necessary. She also does the laundry and helps me to organise my wardrobes.”

Jennifer’s home carer is also a “fantastic cook”. “I absolutely adore her cooking. I have to admit I even miss the days when she is not here. She only cooks with the best organic ingredients and makes delicious, nutritious and hearty meals.”

“I am very thankful for finding Guardian Carers. My life has completely changed. I believe that the biggest plus out of having hired a home carer is regaining my sense of self and enhancing my independence. Everybody who knows me can attest to how I’ve changed in these couple of years.”

Guardian Carers are experts at helping people maintain their independence at home. If you think you need an extra set of hands around the home, but you’re unsure about it, you can speak to one of our expert consultants on 0207 183 1395. We would love to be the ones to improve your life, the same as Jennifer’s was improved.

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