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Assisted Living

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Care Services

Assisted Living

What is Assisted Living?

Caring for a loved one is challenging, choosing what type of support and care they need is the most important aspect of selecting a carer. There are two main assisted living home care options to consider; Skilled Aid and Non-Medical Aid. Typically skilled aid carers are usually live in carers as they can offer you 24/7 care and Non medical aid can be Full Time or Part Time and either Live In or Live Out care.

Skilled Aid are carers with medical training, they are professionals that can provide rehabilitation therapy and pain management if needed by the client. They are fully trained to handle medical issues and emergency situations. Clients who tend to ask for skilled aid have more serious medical conditions that require more support, such as Dementia, including Alzihmers or a disability.

Non-Medical aid carers, provide support for the individual whether it is helping with household duties, ones wellbeing or both. Although they do not have medical training, all of our non-medical carers have a minimum of 3 years experience so they are prepared and know what to do in an emergency situation. Your assisted living carer would also be required to take a first aid and safeguarding course.

All our assisted living home carers are available to you, as and when your require. We understand that your care needs may increase, so you may start off with a Part-Time assisted living carer but end up needing a Full Time Live in skilled aid carer. Our carers to an extent can adapt to your needs and we are able to work alongside your needs and seamlessly, if needed to, introduce you to a skilled aid assisted living carer.

If you decide assisted home Live In care is the best sort of care that fits your needs and requirements, your Live in assisted carer would require their own bedroom within your home. Although they are there to assist you 24 hours a day, it is recommended that they have at least 2 hours to themselves a day, perfect for you to have a nap or downtime and read a book.

How can assisted living home care benefit you?

Assisted living in london can make your everyday life easier and stress-free, this could mean ensuring your household is kept to a high standard of cleanliness to assisting you with your personal hygiene. Having assisted living gives you a sense of security as you know there is always someone there to help you if you fall or in an emergency. It also decreases the chances of uninvited visitors entering your home if there is another able-body around the home.

Assisted living allows you to continue to remain in the home with your pets and in the area you love. Your assisted living home carer will operate on a schedule that you choose and to your expectations. Your carer will never demand to you follow to your schedule or be angry if you want to change your plans. You have the freedom and flexibility to choose how each day goes.

Here at Guardian Carers we understand that having an assisted carer that has similar hobbies, interests and morals as you results in a loving friendship to form as well as getting the help and support you require. Having a companion who has a deeper understanding of what your going through and the possible impacts, means that you are not alone and have a shoulder to lean on, especially through the tougher times.

Your Assisted living carer can also be in the form of a Carer Cook that can cook your favorite meals, prepare a range of new meals for you to try and prepare weekly meal plans.

With assisted living home care, you or your loved one will receive one on one care that is flexible to your requirement, something that would not be possible if living in a care home. At Guardian Carers we will work with you and your family to tailor the support system you need.

Your assisted living carers are able to help you with:

  • Liaising with your doctors and loved ones
  • Organising the laundry and ironing
  • Light gardening
  • Engaging in activities and hobbies
  • Cooking your favorite meals and snacks
  • Assisting you with personal care
  • Booking reservations at your favorite restaurants
  • Unloading and loading the dishwasher
  • Going for walks to the park or around the neighbourhood
  • Ensuring all medication is taken
  • Helping you round the home

The necessity of having hobbies in common

Assisted living Carers are more than just there to help you round the home and complete your day to day activities, they are there to be a companion. Guardian Carers will take the time to find out what your hobbies and interests are to match you with your perfect carer to ensure you bond over your shared love, whether it is a passion for the theatre or play card games. Having an assisted living carer who has similar attributes to you, allows for a stronger connection to be developed. They will be by your side whenever you're having a bad day.

Guardian Carers is unique in the fact that we advise you to interview all of the potential carers you like from the profiles we send you. You may think your carer is perfect for you given what they seem like on paper, however they may not work for you when you meet them. Which is why we also suggest a trial period, whether it is a day or a week to enable you to feel fully comfortable and happy with your chosen carer and ensure that you get on well with them.. Which is why 90% of the families Guardian Carers work with result in a long lasting placement. We work with your family to find the best care and solutions, whatever your needs.

What qualities do we look for in our carers?

When the time comes for you or your loved one to start thinking about hiring an assisted carer, you want to be sure your carer provides the highest quality of care. Guardian Carers have been in the care industry for over a decade, during this time period we know the exact qualities a carer should have.

We look for 4 main things in our assisted carers:

1. Trust

Trust is the foundation of all relationships, your carer will be there with you through some of your most vulnerable and toughest times - it is essential you trust them. To encourage trust we ensure our carers are reliable, punctual and confident in their abilities.

2. Passion

If your carer is passionate about their job and love to help others, they are more likely to do it to the best of their ability as well as being smiley and enthusiastic during the time period. Being an assisted living carer is a hard and demanding role, you are constantly on your feet and need to be alert, which is why it is important that your carer has a drive about them.

3. Qualifications

Guardian carers understands that it is scary to leave your life in the hands of someone else, which is why we require a minimum of 3 years experience to ensure you are in the most capable and able hands.

4. Respect

Assisted living allows you to continue to live as independent as possible, which is why they must understand that you may want to change or cancel a few things in your schedule. Your carer must respect your actions and limitations.

Our extensive vetting procedure

Guardian carers has been providing premium care for 14 years, over this time we have developed and perfected a comprehensive and detailed vetting procedure, which ensures very carer is a positive and seamless addition to your home.

All our assisted living home carers will have the following:

  • 3 years or more of experience
  • Enhanced DBS check
  • First Aid and Safeguarding certificate

Our home assisted living carers can also accommodate any language requirements you may have to ensure you feel as comfortable as possible in your own home. We understand that speaking the language you loves enables you to have a deeper connection with your carers as it brings ease into your relationship.

Start your search for an assisted living carer today

Choosing the right care for your loved one can be complex and challenging, considering all viable options before making a decision allows every family member to be satisfied with the final decision. If you would like to find out more about assisted living and what carers we have available, contact us for a free expert consultation to discuss what care is best for you and how we are able to start your search. We can personalise your assisted living home carer search to whatever works best for you. By using Guardian Carers you have access to expert and experienced advice. Using an agency takes the hassle of finding someone out of your hands and make the process an effortless experience.

Our consultants are also on hand to help and answer any questions you might have along the way, using a live in care agency in London like Guardian Carers means you have a direct line to the experts.

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Give us a call. We are ready to help. We believe we can find your perfect carer.