Even though the demand for private care in the home is continuing to rise, the future of the industry is still uncertain and the market is fragile. There are more agencies that are deregistering before having provided any services which, according to the Care Quality Commission, this gives a sense of uncertainty in the industry and there are concerns about the lack of care continuity. Private in-home care agency employs around 680,000 people, which are people who work in direct in-home care as care workers. These figures are very likely to increase significantly in the future years to match the growing need of private care, but the care industry is still struggling to recruit the number of staff it requires. Over half of private in-home care workers are employed on zero-hour contracts, which is more than in any other aspect of social care, and the turnover is also highest in private in-home care.
Local authorities have a duty to ensure that there are sufficient services of a high quality to meet the care needs. At times, this may not be the case when it comes to the increasing time of waiting for home care packages for people who are ready to leave the NHS hospitals. This is becoming the biggest reason for delayed discharge, which has risen from 12,777 bed days lost in August 2010, to 33,520 in March 2018.
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