Guardian Carers Feature on Sky News

#CareAdvice III

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We caught up with one of our carers, Odette, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Odette used to work in hospitals. She joined Guardian Carers in 2018. She has a vast experience of looking after vulnerable people and people with special needs. Now she is doing elderly care, looking after a lady of 94.

Even before the lockdown was announced, the family and she had already been self-isolating for three weeks. In order to protect the most elderly of the family, they stayed in. They have been proactive.

Odette says that “we have to [be proactive]. This is no joke. I’m quite frustrated because most people don’t take it seriously. This is serious. I used to work in hospitals so I know what it’s like, I know what chaos it can bring.”

Some of the measures they had taken were having food delivered to the home and disinfecting it before bringing it inside. She also advises to generally “keep healthy” and “maintain a healthy immune system”.

We need to be “keeping an eye on each other, that no one has any symptoms, because symptoms vary from one person to the next, so it can’t be all the same for everybody. It can’t just be fever and cough and colds.”

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