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Care Services


We understand that emergency situations can arise at any point and your circumstances may change quickly, At Guardian Carers, we offer ongoing and tailored support that is specifically built around your needs and requirements. In order to help you, we provide an array of emergency homecare services to ensure you are getting the relevant care needed.

Firstly, Guardian Carers can provide you with emergency respite care, which can come to your home for any situation. If your have a current carer who has suddenly become unavailable for a period of time, and unable to assist with your care needs, emergency respite care can be the best option for you. Your loved one may also develop complex care needs, such as a sudden illness, then having that emergency respite carer come to your home can be very essential for your loved ones health and wellbeing. Emergency respite care for the elderly can also allow the carer to step in seamlessly to their regular care schedule. By having emergency respite care, this allows the individual, whether they are an elderly person or an adult, it will ensure they can live as independently as possible and getting the exact care they need and when they need it.

Having an emergency live-in carer is considered the most comprehensive type of care that we can offer, it can be particularly beneficial for someone who may suddenly need constant care. At Guardian Carers, we pride ourselves in making sure you feel very comfortable with your emergency carer, and then hopefully a care residence will not be an option for you. Your personal emergency live-in home care service will be able to care for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, whilst you remain in your own home.

Guardian Careers is also able to provide emergency palliative care to provide support for an individual and their loved ones who are in the last months or years of their life. Palliative care could be for someone who may have an incurable illness, so your emergency homecare can help to live your life comfortably and help with any pain management or other distressing symptoms. Every individual is different, some may expect to pass away either within the next few weeks, months or years, so emergency palliative care may be the best option for you. Our emergency palliative carers will have the necessary medical training and they will work together with your doctor as specialists such as physiological or occupational therapists or chapins to provide the best care possible.

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