When you’re having difficulty carrying out daily tasks, need an extra pair of hands around the home, or even require assistance with your personal care needs, it can be difficult to know who to approach for assistance. Newspapers, shop windows and homecare agencies are full of adverts for housekeepers, carers and companions, but how do you know who will be the most suitable candidate for the role you have in mind?
There’s one part of the world that’s rapidly gaining a reputation for providing unrivalled levels of service and care, and that’s the Philippines. But why is this the case? What is it that makes Filipinos such an attractive proposition to employers throughout the rest of the world?
The principal reason is that the Philippines has very high educational standards, and with English being the second language for its inhabitants, that means that there’s no problem when it comes to communicating effectively with people in the UK. No only that, but huge numbers of Filipino students go on to higher education, with many of them specialising in medicine, hospitality and the care industry.
With unemployment so high in their own country, many Filipinos head for other parts of the world, where they can command much higher salaries than they would be able to at home. And the UK is a favourite destination, offering great opportunities for empathetic and hardworking Asians to utilise their caring natures to the full.
Just take a look at the Filipinos that you meet during the course of everyday life, and you’ll soon see that they’re friendly, happy and helpful. Raised with strict religious beliefs, they have the integrity and compassion necessary to thrive in a domestic role, where they can utilise their key strengths to the full. And unlike so many westerners these days, Filipinos aren’t put off by the thought of hard work and they don’t find domestic and caring chores demeaning. Once you’ve employed a Filipino carer, you’ll soon realise that their happy nature and can-do attitude makes your life so much easier that you’ll wonder how you managed to cope before!
Care work doesn't appeal to some British workers because of the long hours, hard physical work and relatively low pay compared to many other jobs. But for the Filipino worker, UK salaries are much higher than they could hope to earn back in their own country. And with so many Filipinos having gained high grades in the medical and hospitality industries, that’s a huge bonus for anyone in need of someone to help with domestic and health-related chores.
If you’re tempted by the idea of employing a Filipino carer, it’s always best to approach an agency which specialises in providing home care solutions. A well-established and reputable agency, such as Guardian Carers, for example, will carry out all the necessary background checks to ensure that your carer is suitably qualified, legally able to work in this country and holds any necessary qualifications. You’ll then be offered a shortlist of suitable candidates and, once you’ve chosen your new carer, the agency will help and support you, ensuring that details like contracts and salary are taken care of.
Give us a call. We are ready to help. We believe we can find your perfect carer.