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Funding Live In Care

When planning for live-in care at home it’s important to know that you have many funding options available. If you cannot fund your live-in care yourself there are ways through which you can ensure you still receive quality live-in care at home no matter your budget. Read on to find out your options.

Who can benefit from funding for live-in care?

So what funding options are available if you are considering hiring live-in care at home and who can benefit from funding? It’s understandable that anyone wishing to live their golden years in the independence of their home, no matter their needs and requirements will be able to benefit from funding.

No matter if you are suffering from conditions such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, MS or Parkinson’s, just to name a few, you will be entitled to ask for funding for your live-in care at home. If you are considering going into live-in care at home and do not wish to go into a care home just yet, there may be funding available for you.

If you are looking into funding from a local authority, the threshold is £27,000. What this entails is that you will have to go through a means test which will determine whether you possess assets greater than £27,000. These assets can refer to savings, properties or investments. If your assets go above this threshold you will not be eligible for funding for live-in care.

What funding options are available?

If you do not qualify for funding from a local authority, you can rest assured because there may be other funding for live-in care options available for your means. Here are some options for funding for live-in care which may work for you:

  • Council tax reduction/exemption. This means that if you suffer from a form of severe mental impairment, you are exempt from paying council tax. If you live with a partner, your partner is entitled to a 25% discount in their council tax.
  • NHS Continuing Care. If you suffer from a complex medical condition, a long-term illness or cognitive disorder or you have mobility issues which require care and support this option may be available for you. This funding decision is made after an assessment. If the assessment declares you are eligible for funding, the NHS will cover the complete funding of your live-in care.
  • Disability Living Allowance. This is another funding option based on disability. If you are over the age of 65 and you have mobility difficulties or you suffer from a disability or long-term condition, you may apply for funding for live-in care.
  • Attendance Allowance. This funding option is available if you are over the age of 65 and you require personal care due to a disability or illness.

Applying for live-in care funding

Once you have established which form of funding is suitable for your situation you may get in contact with the relevant funding bodies. With most live-in care funding options, there needs to be a form of an assessment carried out which will establish if you are eligible for the type of funding which you are applying for.

Once you have received confirmation of your funding method you should be able to finalise the process of hiring live-in care in your home. You should note that you should aim to know what the cost of your live-in care will amount to. Sometimes assessments will also help you establish how much care you may be in need of.

If none of the funding options mentioned above works for you, it may be worthwhile to seek live-in care funding advice from a specialist financial adviser. They will be able to guide you through the whole process of finding live-in care funding and explain to you what viable funding options are available to you.

Available live-in care funding

No matter what type of funding you are eligible for, Guardian Carers will provide you with the excellent live-in care you are looking for. We have been supporting people in need of any type of care, no matter what funding they were receiving.

Our live-in care services are the most comprehensive services out there and they are made with your independence at the core. No matter what condition or disorder you suffer from one of our live-in carers will be able to provide you with the level of care you need in the comfort of your home.

Our live-in care services are available to you regardless of the funding you receive. Our live-in care is tailored to your own needs and requirements. The hours can be established depending on what you need. If you only need support half of the week, part-time care can be arranged. If you need more complex care Guardian Carers can provide you with a carer to support you full-time.

Guardian Carers will be there to support you with your live-in care needs and any advice on funding options from the very beginning. If you feel like you are unsure about what level of care you need or what type of funding you may be eligible for one of our specialist consultants will be able to advise you for a no-obligation enquiry.

Guardian Carers is there to support you every step of the way. From your very first point of contact until after a live-in carer has settled into your home, your personal consultant will keep in touch with you.

Guardian Carers will help you pick right live-in carer for you, they will offer you funding options, sign you up to HMRC, provide you with sample contracts and even a free payroll service for the first 6 months. No matter your means or your needs, Guardian Carers will be there for you.

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